Consultative services provided to parent(s)/guardian(s), teacher(s), school staff, related service provider(s), and/or relevant stakeholders to meet student needs include:

  • Provide cultural trainings on Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African (AMENA) issues related to education and mental health;

  • Provide consultation services to school staff on multi-factored evaluation cases related to Arabic speaking students.

  • Provide cultural awareness consultation and/or professional development sessions to school staff on Arab/Arab American cultures.

  • Participate in discussions or meetings regarding student concerns or a student suspected of a disability prior to consent for an evaluation;

  • Consult with teachers and/or staff on the development and implementation of academic or behavioral interventions, prior to or during the evaluation process;

  • Provide guidance on Individualized Education Program (IEP) development in accordance with ETR results (e.g., determining least restrictive environment, goals, types of services/accommodations/modifications, etc.);

  • Provide training on various general education (e.g., classroom management, interventions, etc.) and/or special education related topics (e.g., aligning ETR results with IEP goals and services, implementing state or federal policies, etc.);

  • Participate in discussions for the need for a 504 plan and, if needed, aid in its development;Participate in activities relating to multi-tiered/systems-level consultation [e.g., Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS), etc.], including, but not limited to, reviewing relevant data or documents, creating, disseminating, and collecting relevant documents (e.g., screeners, consent forms, data collection sheets, etc.), direct screening and observation, attending meetings, etc.